
Flutter vs. React Native – What to rely on

This is an extremely smart choice to start with because it will expose you to choose the stellar option to prosper in the canvas of web.

Let’s bring it up guys! Want to develop the apps faster? And cutting costs with cross-platform development but you are not sure which technology to choose from? Then why are we here for. Mobile cross-platform apps are on the trend these days, with frameworks that can build native applications without using iOS or Java for Android.

React Native by Facebook and Flutter by Google two steamy cross-platform app development technologies that create a buzz. Developing mobile applications has always been a fundamental aspect of the tech industry but it has been a problem for some time to have various platforms for which different applications need to be developed. Besides pros and cons, every framework has its own significant architecture for building apps. While native applications offer high quality user experience, cross-platform and hybrid apps are designed to save time and expense along with faster time to market delivery.

The most dominant competitors in this arena at this time are Google's Flutter and Facebook’s React Native. Let's look at the positives and deficiencies of both Flutter and React Native and make an unbiased comparison between Flutter or React Native. When you have to pick React Native vs. Flutter which one you will select, then join us on the journey.

Flutter vs. React Native - Weigh them and choose wisely!

Let’s explore React Native vs. Flutter against several factors.


What is Flutter

Flutter is a reactive cross-platform framework for mobile development that uses the Dart language. Dart and Flutter have been developed by Google, that uses the framework for some of the ubiquitous application and is continuously pushing the framework to be the best solution for developing cross-platform software. Its upcoming launch was back in May 2017, so it's much younger than React Native.

Flutter is using Dart. Dart is latest to the developers. It uses the modern amenities of many languages to encode stunning native apps. Also, bear in mind that there are no JavaScript and styling components available. Also, there really is no segregation of templates, styles, and data files.


Flutter is very new, which leaves us uncertain about the best architecture to implement for the application. There are, however, a few frameworks that are common with the Flutter community. There are many other architecture in the Flutter domain, for example, when you're more comfortable using Redux or Flux, you can use these patterns instead, and there are Flutter packages that make that happen. It would be sufficient to store the state inside the components for small applications and to try out the framework.

Flutter – goods and bads

Pros of Flutter:

#1. Fast coding

Flutter provides more interactive and quicker development of applications. It's one of the biggest edge Flutter acquires. Since the production of the Flutter application has to be performed on a specific platform, this helps immensely. With the scaling performance and efficiency, developers can create faster applications.

#2. Up to 50% less testing

Assuming that you have the same application on both platforms, the Quality Assurance process would be much smoother and you would check less. We compose about 50 percent fewer automated tests so we can run the same tests on both platforms, lowering the needs of QA team.

#3. Faster processing

Flutter apps perform smoothly and fast without ever hanging or cutting while scrolling. Most of the work is done on graphics processing unit; that’s why Flutter UI is smooth and delivers 60fps.

#4 Users friendly/Intuitive Design

Flutter does not depend on the components of the native system. Instead, Flutter acquires its own collection of custom widgets that are rendered and controlled by the graphics source of the system. Flutter devices have a very user friendly interface.

Cons of Flutter:

#1. Platform risk

Though Flutter is open source, if Google had wanted to remove funding for the project, it would have caused a catastrophe. In recent times, we cannot imagine a world where Google walks away from Flutter.

#2. App’s size

Applications are written in Flutter are larger than native ones. However, the Flutter team is focusing on raising the scale of Flutter apps.

Overview of Pros and Cons

Reactive programming of the application The size of the group of developers
Hot reload, enables fast coding. Libraries & help is good but not as successful as native production
One code base: development of two mobile platforms Constant assistance for integration
Fewer testing. Risky platform
Development of fast apps. The scale of the feature
Responsive interface While Dart is a convenient-to-use programming language, Flutter includes Dart learning.
Less code volume Difficulties in styling the components because JavaScript is not used
Faster speed of development Complex control of the lifecycle relative to React Native
A wide variety of expressive and versatile UI components.
Accessibility and functionality of native SDKs

React Native

What is React Native

React Native is perhaps the world's most iconic leader of cross-platform mobile development. It's a JavaScript framework based on the React library, also created by Facebook that allows you to ship IOS and Android apps with a single code base. It is mainly used by Facebook, Instagram. React Native initiated as an internal hackathon project on Facebook back in 2013 and was publicly released in 2015. Facebook and the React Native Community are collaborating on a large-scale re-architecture of the system to make it more scalable and stronger. React Native is also flourishing with superior app performance on both the platforms, iOS and Android. React Native is written entirely in JavaScript using React. This is a massive benefit for React Native because JavaScript is consistently ranked as one of the most successful and used programming languages in the canvas of Earth. Seeking developers to code in JavaScript is easy, so learning React Native is convenient for any JavaScript developer.


There are two major trends in the React / React architecture for native applications, Flux and Redux. Flux is the one developed by the framework creators, Facebook, while Redux is the most popular option in the community. These frameworks are about symmetric data flow and storing the status of your application in a central location called Store, making your app components as stateless as possible. You can also use the Context API, which is a new function of React for state management.

React Native – goods and bads

Pros of React Native

#1. Fast coding

Hot Reload boost up speed of the development process by enabling the developer to directly insert new code into the running device. So, the developer can immediately see the alterations without rebuilding the app. Essentially the same feature as Flutter's.

#2. Developer freedom of choice

React Native helps developers create cross-platform application no more, no less. The benefit is that React Native facilitates developers to determine exactly what technologies they want to use; both project specifications and developers' expectations.

#3. Relative maturity

The very first React Native release was more than five years ago, and the Facebook staff had plenty of time to develop the API, as well as work on fixing bugs and addressing problems.

#4. Easy to learn

This benefit in our list is very much aimed at React developers. If you have a background in web development and are already using common React solutions, you can comfortably get to work with React Native without having to learn new libraries. The same libraries, tools, and patterns can be used.

#5. Less testing

We write about 50 %fewer automated tests so we can run the same tests on both platforms, lowering the demands of our QA team.

Cons of React Native

#1. Fewer components

React Native appears to support only core elements out of the box, many of which are highly adaptable to the out of box platform, such as a button, load indicator, or slider.

#2. Developer freedom of choice

When the developer creates a new project, they will have to decide which navigation package to be using as well as which global state management to use.

#3. Fragile User Interface

The fact that React Native uses native components under the trunk must give you confidence that your application components will be upgraded instantaneously after every OS UI update.

#4. Apps are bigger than native ones

Applications written in React Native must have Javascript code to run. By default, Android does not have this functionality meaning that applications need to include a library that supports JavaScript code, resulting in applications that are larger than their Android contemporaries.

Overview of Pros and Cons

Hot Reload provides quick coding, i.e Not a Native
One codebase: Two web app production and more Less box-components
Uses Wildly Popular JavaScript language The freedom of choice for developers
Build freedom of choice because it enables the reuse of code and saves costs Plenty of items and repositories left out
Relative Readiness Weak Interfaces
A vast and active Community Bigger applications than local ones.
React developers find it easy to learn
Less testing is required
Strong Performance

Flutter vs. React Native: Discovering Similarities

  • Are both designed for the development of cross-platform apps
  • All systems are sponsored by gigantic communities of technology
  • Free, Open Source, And Quick
  • Detailed reports And up to date
  • Great UI and Native Experience help
  • Hot reload And Fast Adjustments

Flutter vs. React Native: Discovering Differences.

  • Flexibility and Stability

  • Time to Develop an Application

  • Success they potentially share with the toughest competition

  • Quick Coding

  • Let’s have a look at slight Head to Head

Programming Language Dart JavaScript
Created By Google Facebook
Release Date 2017 2015
Components Library Small Library Large and Inclusive Library
Components adaptability Not adaptive, requires manual configuration Adaptive
Learnability Quite difficult Easy
Main Architecture BLoC Redux and Flux
Documentation Clear, up to date and precise Up to date and imprecise
Competitive Advantages Faster and similar Ability to deliver native like app experience

Which One is Trending?

Looking at the recent 2019 Stack Overflow Survey, we can get an idea of which framework developers prefers the most. The survey asked developers about their most valued frameworks. Flutter scores higher at 75.4% and React Native also made the cut among the most loved frameworks at 62.5%. Therefore which one to pick is extremely hard to tell, since both of them are pretty much tied. It is indeed up to you to decide what works for business and the requirements it holds. Depending on the size of your project and how soon you want to bring it live, React Native or Flutter might be your ideal platform. Consider your internal vision and goals, and opt the one that best meets your needs.

Predicting the future: Flutter & React Native

After conducting head to head, we came to the verdict that both of them have the potential to knock any other application out of the stadium and gave us a sign of ongoing improvement as well as a signal for the bright future of technology ahead. Given that React Native has such a stable market position and is on a continuous growth path, it is doubtful that we will see it left in the dust any time soon. On the other hand, anyone who can compete ferociously against the giant monster like React Native in the industry.

Conclusion/Final Thoughts

On an honest note, the two technologies are supreme in their own space. If you're going to analyze, you'll see that React Native is very prevalent due to numerous aspects. One of the significant benefits it gives businesses is to control the cost factor and reduce delivery time. On the other hand, Flutter possesses relatively identical set of benefits and ensures that your application is built in no time, with amazing features. It may therefore be difficult to vote on a specific technology. It is not a diplomatic answer, but it implies the fact. To wrap up the contest with the verdict we can say that both of them have a potential to lead your business, both of these technologies have incredible values intact within them. If used as per the business requirements, either of them can do wonders or make your business to flourish and prosper to no limits.

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Flutter vs. React Native – What to rely on

Flutter vs. React Native – What to rely on This is an extremely smart choice to start with because it will expose you to choose the stellar option to…
